
Social Security

With all this talk about Social Security going on, I'd like to pose the more basic question no one seems to be discussing:
is it the government's business to provide for my retirement?

Peace NOW?

It seems obvious to me that we must see out out obligations in Iraq before pulling out. I agree that going in was probably an unwise choice, but it doesn't seem that starting this and then leaving the Iraquis up the creek is an honorable thing to do. I'm very upset that American servicemen are dying, but I don't think that immidate withdrawal is the answer, at least at this time.
In other news, Lynndie England goes on trial at Ft. Hood today. I don't think that it will take very long, and I'm sure she'll enjoy senic Ft. Leavenworth.
As for myself, I'd like to see a Big CBS Expose! about the war crimes comitted by Iraquis, such as rape, castration, and beheading. I'm sure their crimes also include humiliating and hooding prisoners, so I hope they have time to get those in.