
Moussaoui's Lawyers Whine - "He's from a broken home!"

I really think that we should just put him in the general prison population and let things take care of themselves. But I also think we should feed him some bacon sandwiches before that.


The Senator Formerly Known as Ted Kennedy is now known as:


Re: Mohammed Cartoon Row & Boycott

I know that I'm horribly offended by one of these photographs.

Respect: a two way street.


Also, I feel like 100 years old but . . .

Does anyone else feel that the abortion debate masks a much greater issue - that of a society that produces people who can't/won't take care of its' children, even the "unwanted" ones? Does anyone else feel that societal disintegration is the bigger issue here?





More Torture!

I have photographic proof!
Someone, get outraged!


"The Union Is So Good To Me . . . "

So good, in fact, that you don't just make 48,000 for pulling a lever all day without a college or maybe even high school education.
Apparently, if managment refuses to turn back the security tapes to see who stole your baloney sandwhiches, the union will come in and make them. That's some 1st grade shit right there.


This Post Brought to You by Liberals for Islam

Because nothing says "freedom" like preserving your honor by killing a family member.

Happy Winter Solstice Holiday!