
love it or leave it, you commie pinko bastard.

The other day I responded to an email posting that stupid Burroughs Thanksgiving Prayer. I told him that he should consider emigrating because if he hated America so much, it might improve his quality of life.
I did it not just because I was offended (and I was) but also because my joints were hurting and I was feeling grumpy that day. Old before my time, I know.


Money talks and bullshit walks. Well, usually.

I keep hearing about the coming financial crisis due to the three Federal programs Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and it does seem obviously imminent.
However, nothing is happening in this situation, because it's promising a Medicare drug plan, not being honest about needing to cut entitlements or raise taxes, that wins elections. In fact, telling people that you will cut entitlements or raise taxes is a really good way to lose elections. And when you lose elections, your ability to do something about this problem is usually decreased.
So bullshit talks, for the time being, anyway.

Zebra Murders

Wow, why have I never heard of this!
Oh, wait. I know the answer to that! But we really need to try to stop rewriting history to make it say what we wish it would to say, and to make it further our causes.


The First Step Is Admitting You Have A Problem

There seems to be this odd idea that I see all the time, and I guess it's akin to "free trade." It seems that a lot of people feel that it would be wrong to make decisions about what sort of person gets to immigrate to a given country. I suppose that the reason for this is that to deny immigration or citizenship to troublesome religious or ethnic groups flies in the face of the idea that all cultures are equal.

This article has an interesting, if out-there solution to this issue. However, buyouts (although not necessarily the right idea) are light years ahead of where most Europeans seem to be now. The first step is admitting you have a problem. To me at least, it's hard to deny that there appears to be a problem. North African and Arab immigrants to European society have largely failed to assimilate, for one reason or another. But for multiculturalists, listening to their gut and their eyes may be hard work.

As for us here in the US of A, I don't think it's unreasonable to impose limits on immigration, or to demand that immigrants follow the law when entering this country. But, I love the idea of America as a free for all, a country that has been settled and continues to be settled by people from all over the world, and I don't think it's untrue at all.

and get one with good references!

I still say Bushie should have just answered one of those ads in the back of Soldier of Fortune Magazine that says something like "I solve problems" to wipe out Saddam.


Clinton Crime Wave

YAF. Used Without Permission.


Paris Burned by Anonymous Persons

From the When Political Correctness Sets Cars on Fire Division

I was in the gym today, and I watched a lot of CNN. I found it really interesting that they didn't bother to mention at all that Paris is being burned by
an anonymous group of people.

Misconception #4: The United States Constitution provides a right to privacy

While I agree with the above statement, I really have a concern how new conservative judges who agree with this statement will rule on one of the most important cases to cite Griswold: Roe v. Wade.
While I'd rather have the issues at stake in Roe be none of the Federal government's business or concern (or none of the State's business, for that matter), I worry about the effect of overturning Roe.
Obviously, this wouldn't be half the issue it is were it not for the breakdown of our society, but that's another story for another day.