
Berliner Blau

People are saying that this stupid Prussian Blue nonsense is a great example of what's wrong with America. While a thirteen year old "racialist" band is really disturbing, I still think it's symbolic of one of the best damn things about America - the right to say really stupid things (and name your children stupid things, like 'Lynx' and 'Lamb').

Also, I'm tired of people saying they want to "strangle" them, or "kick the shit out of" them. They've never known anything different, and that's what's a crying ass shame. Sure, their parents have a right to teach them whatever they believe, but I think they should also allow them to form their own opinions when they are able and be careful of exposing them exclusively and incessantly to ideas they don't have the maturity to evaluate.

But, I hate to hear of anyone giving Frederick the Great a bad name.


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