
More Tim Wood, yay!

I also really wanted to publish this quote in here, because it's so obvious yet no one seems to have the nuts to just say it. There is something terribly wrong with this system, but no one seems to really want to change it, perhaps because of possible allegations of racism, honestly buying into the ideas of entitlement that justify this and other policies, or a pandering for re-election.

Those who have been through the legal immigration process know that you dare not leave a mark out of place on your application forms, or you're history. But as an illegal, every accommodation will be made for you.

The message is clear. Your best and most convenient shot at residence in the USA is via a border late at night. Once you're in, driver's license, welfare entitlements, medical insurance, workers comp and more ad infinitum will be secured for you by special interest lobbies tied to politicians courting votes and funds.


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